Saturday, June 26, 2010

Georgia and Peaches

I heart both.

So many people I know have just had little babies (peaches). It makes me feel goodness in the world.

Here are my peaches. xo

Tonight as I was tucking Soren into bed I asked him to tell me about a superhero movie that he liked. He's was really excited and I could tell the wheels were turning in his mind. Then he said, "OK, I'm going to start from the very middle." He's awesome.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jason and Dahlia found a mama bird and babies in nest last week. We go and say "hi" from time to time. Yesterday after visiting the babies Soren said, "I wish I could jump up there and hug them all." At night the fireflies come out. I'd never seen them before and they are so magical and fleeting. You see them and then they're gone.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hello, I'm still here. . .somewhere. I'm not in Glasgow anymore. I'll have to post more on that later. Moving was very hard on me emotionally. I grew to love that rainy city with so many kind people, my children's friends and the wonderful dance connections I made and the work I did. I cried often about leaving while we were packing and saying good byes. So, I'll save "the move" for another day. BUT, if anything can cheer me up it's my sister Charla and I'm with her right now in Georgia.

I'm not on facebook anymore. Maybe I'll do it again one day but not now.

I dyed my hair blonde but it's kind of gold. . .it's interesting.

I haven't taken many photos but my sister Charla has some cute pics of the kids and posted them here.