Thursday, February 05, 2009

Another Art Show

I'm really proud of these elephants that Soren made as representations of our family, especially because I'm the cool looking one with the three spindly legs facing to the left.

The other day I found these art kits for kids that Soren went to town with. Seriously, he was occupied for probably more than an hour creating people and designs. And the glue. . .oh, how he loves to work with glue. The last of these next three photos is my favorite because of the long puff ball arms and little puff ball legs. It makes me happy to see his forms and how his mind works and translates what he's thinking to paper (or whatever he's using).

He had some help with this one ;)

. . . And while we're talking about art I want to post a photo of the lovely blankets Grandma Pat sent for Dahlia. She knitted the ends and they are so cozy and double sided--a real must in this cold weather. There is one more that Dahlia was using at the time I took the photo.

. . .And since I haven't been a good blogger lately, here are some photos of our recent excursion to Jason's school. Sometimes I have great fun owning the whole girlie pink thing with Dahlia--Jacket: compliments of my sister Bridget, Umbrella: compliments of my mom, and lovely Dahlia: compliments of me of course!

Here's one more good one for the road. . .


charles said...

Holy Elephants! Tell Soren I love them.

Pat is an amazing sewer. We love the set she made for Dries.

I can't believe that smile on Dahlia! What a little sweetpea princess!

Stephanie said...

thanks for sharing all the fun photos. i love sorens creations and dahilas sweet smile.

Bridget said...

Those elephants are great!

Giandrea said...

I also L-O-V-E the elephants.

The Eatons said...

That smile is AWESOME. I love babies! I also love the umbrella.

Meaghan said...

I love Soren's art! He's so creative. Pat made me one of those blankets for Aviendha and I love it. It's so warm and soft!

You look so beautiful with that sweet baby!!

Claire said...

I've totally gatecrashed your party. Cos I'm rude like that. I LOVE all those blankets your Grandma (?) made. Lovely. And you're right - you'll be needing a couple of those wrapped around that gorgeous ittle bundle right now. It's SOOOO cold!

Your kids are gorgeous. That is a gorgeous smile on little Dahlia.

See ya Sunday!

Michelle said...

I loved Soren's art work- so creative! AND that smile on Dahlia, I'm sure I've said this before but that name, Dahlia is just so beautiful and perfect! You look wonderful too. I hope you are doing well.