Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New Music & More Conversations with Soren

Current obsession: Swedish pop rock band Hello Saferide

Anna is my new favorite song. It's one of the most beautifully written sad love songs and I almost cried. Do you love it too? The Quiz is awesomeness as well. Jason likes to find new songs that he thinks I'll like and put them on our play list.

Thanks, Jason, for finding these songs for me. I love you.

My little Sorentino has been giving me a good laugh with all the funny things he says so I'm going to share the joy of having a 4 year old.

More conversations of a mom and her boy:

Mom: Do you want to get your hair cut like Isaac?
Soren: I want it all done so it's just my brain.

Mom: Did you get your lunch?
Soren: We nearly forgot it! (nearly is one of the words used more in the UK that he's picked up--I love it. Bridget kids are saying it too)

Soren: I was meanting you to see how small the ice cube is.

Soren: When I grow up can I be a show and you'll come and lots of people will come to see what I'm doing?
Mom: You want to be a movie star?
Soren: Yeah!

Soren: Do you know when I grow up I'll have a muffin face. . .it will be shaped like a muffin.

Soren: Guess what! I've got a brilliant idea.

Soren: I suppose we shouldn't bring this. The wind is properly strong to brake this.

Soren: Can I have some sarsaparilla?
Mom: What's that?
Soren: It's nuts. It's a drink.

Soren loves to say it's my Birthday and make me "cakes". One was a banana with candles on it and the other was a slice of bread with candles and grapes on top. He sings "Happy Birthday" and then we blow out the candles. It's good fun. The last time we did this he said, "no, first you gotta say Master of the Cakes". I guess he still loves the word master.

And. . .Jason was away for 8 days to a conference to present a paper and then to visit his mom who has not been well. I knew he needed to go and kept encouraging him to do it but when the time drew close I started to panic! But, I have to say that the few days leading up to it were actually harder than the 8 days alone. My survival instinct kicked in and although I got little sleep, I just kept going and didn't feel tired. The first few nights when the kids were both asleep I had the hardest time winding down to sleep and it was totally frustrating but . . . that is all behind me now and I did it!!


Carol said...

yeah for surviving!!!! way to go girl. love all the Soren talk...that boy is a hoot!

and that song...was a little nostalgic but then that last verse kicked in and I was like...Oh my gosh, i totally get it now. That IS sad!

and i too totally dig a band with that sound to it.

Giandrea said...

I love love love what kids say. Soren sounds just like a regular Brit.

charles said...

definitely muffin face.

Michelle said...

I love those songs1 Hope you are well and enjoying your summer. Sometimes all that British influence takes a long time to go away. I still say tarmack and other words that describe better than our version of English.

Elizabeth said...

I love the music. I have a new playlist to listen to on grooveshark Have you checked that out? You can listen to anything there. It has been fun to rediscover old favorites.

Cammie said...

Thanks Liz, I'll have to check it out!