Saturday, June 26, 2010

Georgia and Peaches

I heart both.

So many people I know have just had little babies (peaches). It makes me feel goodness in the world.

Here are my peaches. xo


Baby Indie said...

If one feels the need of something grand, something infinite, something that makes one feel aware of God, one need not go far to find it. I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.
-Vincent van Gogh

The Lingo Family said...

Cute peaches you have there. :)

Carol said...

Dahlia looks like she's getting so big! i love your little peaches too ;)

Meaghan said...

Awww, so cute!

Cammie said...

Baby Indie--What a lovely treasure of words from one of the Greats. Thank you!

charles said...

I miss you and your little peaches! It's so quiet here now!


scuz said...

i want to be in georgia too! tell us your moving story. i want to know where you are!

Claire said...

We miss you. Even Jason. ;)