Monday, January 28, 2008

Part of Soren's Prayer Last Night

". . .Thank you that we love Daddy. Thank you that we love Daddy's nose. Thank you that we love Mommy's nose. Thank you for our hearts . . .that we can just love (pause) the blanket. . .the wall. . .the gospel."

As he was praying he got more and more into it and started using his arm like he was giving a sermon. We love his prayers.

On a side note, this morning Jason and I were completing some forms for Soren to start nursery school and one of the questions was "what songs does your child like?" and I wrote down The Grand Old Duke of York and then asked Soren what he liked. Guess what he said? Yep, Gold Digger! (I didn't write that one down--Maybe I should have).


Stephanie said...

Benny used to bless the walls in his prayers also. I think they are a lot alike. Cute picture of Soren.

Carol said...

Like I've said before, that kid is too COOL for school!

Meaghan said...

He's so cute! Jackson always says prayers for people, especailly my brother Bryan. I think he's a sensitive little guy and picks up on a lot. I love to hear him sing. He belts out I am a child of God with so much enthusiasm.

I just found a new baby yoga class that starts in the spring. I can't wait to go...with both kids this time! It won't be the same without you and Soren. I miss you guys!!

Megan and Vinny said...

i love the picture of soren, and the picture in my head of him preaching! mindi's little boy, mason, used to pray that "nothing would fall on them." I guess he was picking up on the adults saying that "no harm would befall them." gotta love it!

charles said...

why is he so cute? and smart? he knew who i was on the phone when he answered! so adorable.

Michelle said...

He's so precious! I love to hear kids prayers so interesting to hear their thoughts and what they think is important at that moment. So sweet

jaredandmatisse said...

So darling! I love noses, too. I am going to mention them in my prayers tonight.